lunes, diciembre 29, 2008

[Frase #00001] En la búsqueda de música caleta

Pedro.O - holy shit, maldita gripe!! dice:
[20:09:25] como me contaba mi hermano d tiempos aquellos n los q gileaba a una flak solo pa sacarle un cassette con una musica caleta

viernes, noviembre 07, 2008

Cuña Osito El osito volador

Noooo! ese es mi pila idiota!

domingo, setiembre 14, 2008

Gold To Me

I've been wrong before

but now I know

I've made mistakes in the past

but now I know the difference

from gold and brass

viernes, agosto 29, 2008

XOOPS makes the Finals for Best CMS at Packt Publishing!!!

We are very proud to announce that thanks to the support from our XOOPS Community, XOOPS made to the final of the Best PHP Open Source CMS in the 2008 Open Source CMS Award!!!!

Yes, XOOPS is BACK!!!! And we couldn't be more happy!!!!

Our big "THANK YOU" to all the XOOPS supporters who took the time to nominate us for this Award!

The official voting will start on Sept. 1, 2008 - we'll keep you posting!

Right now let's celebrate and enjoy the moment!!!

Source: XOOPS Web site

sábado, agosto 23, 2008

Say GoodBye, LeRoi Moore

I am DMB Fanatic. I feel bad when I heard about LeRoi Moore died of complications from an ATV accident that occurred on June 30, 2008. Moore was driving a four wheel all terrain vehicle on his farm in Charlottesville, Virginia when he crashed, breaking ribs and puncturing a lung. He spent a few days in the hospital and was released. In mid July Moore suffered complications, attributed to the accident, and was hospitalized again.

RIP LeRoi. You will be missed.

viernes, agosto 15, 2008

21 años

Lo primero que he hecho es, buscar en Google Images "21 años". Lo primero que encuentras es gente en bolas. Por lo que no hablare nada al respecto. Tengo la bandeja de gmail que revienta de mensajes de felicitaciones, la mayoria de estos son de servicios a los que estoy suscrito, de amigos, conocidos y usuarios.

No tengo mucho que decir, ya que estoy de pasada en el blog. Tengo el dia ocupado con mil huevadas por hacer, entre pendientes y exámenes que se vienen la próxima semana. Por otro lado, tuve una pequeña reunión con la gente en donde estudio, jugamos billar (...literal, por que yo no juego), tomamos, y hablamos huevadas. No encontre el jodido cable de mi celular, si no colgaria los videos... pero en fin. Pa otro dia mas.

Y mas tarde pienso perderme, con mis amigos de toda la vida.

Ya falta poco y las clases se acabarán. Pronto viajaré a Argentina a ver a Dave Matthews Band, si todo sale bien.

jueves, agosto 14, 2008

Mañana es mi cumpleaños

Mañana es mi cumpleaños. Me levantaré con un año más de alegrías y penas, miraré el móvil y tendré unos cuantos mensajes de gente a la que no sé realmente si tengo que agradecerles que se acuerden. Vendrán llamadas por teléfono, algunos de mis amigos me preguntarán si hay algún plan, por ser mi cumpleaños. Les diré que no tenía nada planeado.
Lo estoy viendo. Mañana me levantaré, y me diré a mí mismo: “Es mi cumpleaños. Tengo un año más, el día de hoy tiene que salir perfecto. Aunque se que es un día más.”
Es curioso cómo se siente uno cuando cumple años. Vas por la calle y te crees que todo el mundo debería tener la obligación de saber que es tu cumpleaños, que hoy deben tratarte de forma especial, porque es tu cumpleaños....

martes, agosto 12, 2008

Before These Crowded Streets - Dave Matthews Band...

Many of you who know me well might be wondering where the Dave Matthews Band albums have been on my countdown; I figured I would include other favorites of mine, with this being the pinnacle. As my favorite band, it's only fitting that this, "Before These Crowded Streets ," gets the title of my favorite album.

Ask any die-hard DMB fan and they're sure to tell you; they just don't make albums like this anymore. From the first the first beat of "Pantala Naga Pampa," to the last note of "Spoon," the album is perfection, a complete album, if you will. At the time, it was a completely different sound for DMB, much darker with a different vibe then their previous albums. Every single song segues into the next.

Dave Matthews Band - Before These Crowded Streets

If you want to get really creative and listen to the entire CD backwards, it'll flow just the same and just as nicely. DMB also had quite a few guests stop by and play with them such as Tim Reynolds, Bela Fleck, Greg Howard, and even Alanis Morrisette. This is the sole album that has made me the DMB fanatic that I am today.

Songs such as "Halloween," "The Last Stop," "Dreaming Tree," and "Spoon" are considered gems when played live. Other songs such as "Pig," "Rapunzel," "The Stone," and "Crush" are some of DMB's best live works. This album transcends beautifully in the studio and in concert, not too many other bands can pull off an album like this.

When the popular question states, "If you had to take just one CD on a desert island with you what would it be," my answer has always been, Dave Matthews Band's, "Before These Crowded Streets"

Update: Here you are! A Behind The Scenes Look of Dave Matthews Band - Before These Crowded Streets Promo Album.


miércoles, julio 30, 2008

[Video] Norah Jones Sings "Don't Know Why" on Sesame Street

You know you really I love this woman

domingo, julio 27, 2008

Peruvian Metal Steel - Chapter of Steel

Peruvian Metal Steel - Chapter of Steel - Tracklist

Aragorn - La Historia Prohibida
Warheart X - Valley of the Dreams
Orfeo - Entre Sombras
Sperantus - Sangre Metal
Sanguinaria - Sanguinaria
El Loco Cervantes - 5 Mentiras
Cobra - Scene of our End
Trafico - Mi País es Así
Dhernagort - El Llanto de Gea
Arcanus - Trono
Clerigo - En busca de tu Amor
Gangrel - Ángel de la Destrucción

Source: dargedik

jueves, julio 24, 2008

XOOPS 2.30 Final Is Released

Finally the wait is over!!! The XOOPS Development Team is pleased to announce the release of XOOPS 2.30 Final.This is the most significant XOOPS release in years, as it merges the two existent branches of 2.0 and 2.2 and is building a bridge towards our next generation of system XOOPS 3.0.

With XOOPS 2.3 releases, users will be able to learn some of new features that will be available in XOOPS 3.0, while developers can understand better the direction of XOOPS development, and designers can learn what features will be supported in the future.

Both backward and forward compatibility are guaranteed as much as possible. Modules written for 2.0.* and 2.2.* will work with 2.3; applications developed for 2.3 will be compatible with XOOPS 3.0 automatically.

Developers are encouraged to write their application modules on XOOPS 2.3 so they can incorporate some of the new features and ensure easy migration to XOOPS 3.0.

IMPORTANT: Please read the Installation and Upgrade instructions!!!

As always, before you upgrade, make a backup of your current Web site!!!

Download from Sourceforge repository.

XOOPS Web Site

jueves, julio 03, 2008

Debian Squeeze - The new Debian testing branch

"We are happy to publish yet another issue of our highly successful
motivational status updates. This month's issue contains, as reward for
your continued interest, the name for lenny's successor."

" We will continue to use Toy Story character names for lenny's successor, which will be called ``squeeze'' (three-eyed space alien). "

According with Debian-devel mailing list, we have a new debian testing branch caleed "Squeeze". Help us.

lunes, junio 02, 2008

[Video] South Park Butters - What, What In The Butt?


what what in the butt I want u to me in my buttttt o yessssss but i will what what you in the but but

sábado, mayo 31, 2008

INXS: Never Tear Us Apart


"Never Tear Us Apart"

Don't ask me
What you know is true
Don't have to tell you
I love your precious heart

I was standing
You were there
Two worlds collided
And they could never tear us apart

We could live
For a thousand years
But if I hurt you
I'd make wine from your tears

I told you
That we could fly
'Cause we all have wings
But some of us don't know why

I was standing
You were there
Two worlds collided
And they could never ever tear us apart

sábado, mayo 24, 2008

[Humor] apt-get install wife

apt-get install wife

apt get install wife - either you get it, or you don't

Via: nixCraft

martes, abril 08, 2008

Exploits of a Mom (Little Bobby Tables)

Her daughter is named Help I'm trapped in a driver's license factory.

Little Bobby Tables What Shall We Name the Baby—SQL Injection Edition.

Hi, this is your son's school.
We're having some computer trouble.

Oh, Dear - Did he break something?
In a way -

Did you really name your son Robert'); DROP TABLE Students; -- ?

OH, Yes. Little bobby tables, we call him.

Well, we've lost this year's student records.
I hope you're happy.

and I hope you've learned to sanitize your database inputs


lunes, marzo 24, 2008

Important Life Lesson

I didn't even know I *had* the Monty Python 'Lumberjack' song.

xD hahahhaha! stupid guy!

viernes, marzo 07, 2008

The most important question or answer

Be My Friend - at flickr.comDuring my first semester in the Institute, our Teacher gave us a quiz. I was a student knowingly and (But unfortunately I was a bad mathematics student) so I quickly read all questions, until I read the latest:

"What is the name of The woman who cleans the school?"

Surely Is this some kind of joke? I had seen many times a woman who cleaned the institute. She was high, dark hair, as fifty years, but How I was going to know her name?

I had given my exam, leaving the last question in blank.

At the end of the class, someone asked the teacher if the last question would note for the exam. "Absolutely", the Teacher said. In your careers you will know many people. All are important, they deserve your attention and care, even if they only smile and say, 'Hello!' "

I never forgot that lesson. I also learned that her name was Olenka. (I think, I forget it ) LOL! :D

But even more important, We are all important.

Photo: Crazy Monster #3 - Be My Friend Thank you Tricia!